Matthew Mauk Matthew Mauk

Unafraid :: God can turn wrongs into rights.

People who cut to the front of the line at an amusement park can fill us with anger and a sense of

injustice, but how should we respond to those feelings? This week, we'll read from the book of Amos

to see how he responded to the injustices he saw in his community. Instead of just letting things slide,

Amos took action, showing us God can turn wrongs into rights.

BIBLE: Amos 5:10–15; James 5:1–8; Isaiah 1:17

  • What is the longest line you have ever waited in? What was it for? Was it worth the wait?

    Are there specific wrongs you find yourself reacting to more strongly than others? Why do you think that is?

    What gets in the way of calling out the wrongs you see in the world like Amos did? How can you overcome

    those barriers?

    Why do you think it's important for you to be like James and Amos and call out the wrongs you see?

    Read Isaiah 1:17. What does this verse tell us about what matters to God? What would it look like to put some

    of what this verse talks about into practice?

    Who's one person you know who speaks out about the wrongs they see, does something about it, and talks to

    God about the situation? What's one thing they do that you could begin doing this week?


    If they want to partner with God to right the wrongs they are seeing in the world, consider organizing

    your group to go and serve at a local non-profit this week. If you want to ensure it happens, make a plan to serve and put it on the calendar.

  • What is the longest line you have ever waited in? What was it for? Was it worth the wait?

    What are the main three emotions you experience when you have been wronged? What about when someone

    you care about has been wronged?

    Are there specific wrongs you find yourself reacting to more strongly than others? Why do you think that is?

    Who are some people you know of today or in history who, like Amos, have brought attention to the wrongs

    they saw happening? Would you do what they did? Why or Why not?

    What gets in the way of calling out the wrongs you see in the world like Amos did? How can you overcome

    those barriers?

    Why do you think it's important for you to be like James and Amos and call out the wrongs you see?

    Has there been a time you have seen God turn wrongs into rights? What happened? How did it affect your

    relationship with God?

    Read Isaiah 1:17. What does this verse tell us about what matters to God? What would it look like to put some

    of what this verse talks about into practice?

    What's one wrong you've noticed recently that you can help make right? What's one step you can take to do

    that this week?

    Who's one person you know who speaks out about the wrongs they see, does something about it, and talks to

    God about the situation? What's one thing they do that you could begin doing this week?


    If they want to partner with God to right the wrongs they are seeing in the world, consider organizing

    your group to go and serve at a local non-profit this week. If you want to ensure it happens, make a plan to serve and put it on the calendar.

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