DSCPL :: Personally

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Remind them they can ask us anything by texting AMA to 678-798-8338 or by dropping a card in the lobby AMA Box.

  • Remind them about CIY MIX and MOVE

  • Ask the students to explain the importance of pursuing Jeuss even when life is going well.

    • Jackson used the example of a tomato growing in a garden.

  • Ask the students how they plan to accomplish Jacksons Challenge to read Colossians 3 times..

    • Ask them to explain in their own words why it is valuable to do this.(The truth that you can always learn something new about yourself, Jesus, and the Kingdom.

  • This is Day 8 of the 21 Day discipleship study.

    • Commend anyone who brought theirs with them or who has signed up for it digitally.

    • You will as a group go through day 8 of the devotional

      • Make sure to share the scripture reading among different students

    • Here is Day 8 if you need it:

      • Who’s Your Daddy?

        By this point, Jesus has had multiple dialogues with the Pharisees. In John 8, the dispute centers around ancestry. Yes, it’s kind of odd. However, Jesus brings a powerful truth to light in the midst of this conversation. 

        In John 8:39 NIV, we read: “Abraham is our father,” they answered. “If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did.”

        Wow. With this reference, Jesus reminds them that what Abraham did was take God at His word, obeying and following Him with no signs or rules to rely on. Just faith. The religious leaders of the day were acting in a way that was completely contrary to the way their father figure did. 

        When Jesus confronts them about it, they then claim they are actually God’s kids, not Abraham's. But here’s the thing: If we say we’re God’s kids, we have to take our cues from Him and listen to what He says. The religious leaders did not take their cues from God. If they had, they would have begun to follow Jesus at the moment of His baptism! God literally called down from heaven saying:

        “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17 NIV

        Don’t miss this. Who are you taking your cues from? Is it culture? Is it your own ego? Is it another person? Or is it Jesus? What we base our decisions on and take our cues from reveals who or what we trust the most.

        When we call ourselves disciples of Jesus, we’re saying we trust Him with our lives, but do we live like that’s true? Do we take what He says seriously and act on it? Or do we really reveal that we trust something or someone else more than Him? 

      • Read - John 8:1-59

      • Challenge - Disciples of Jesus take Him seriously. We realize that we cannot say we trust Him and will follow Him unless we actually listen to what He says. Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where you are taking your cues from something or someone other than Him. How can you choose to trust Jesus the most?

  • Once you finish day 8 take the students through OIA

    • Observation: What do these passages say?

    • Interpretation: What do these passages mean?

    • Application: What does this mean for us / for me?

  • Finish by praying as a group.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-They are on board and commited to Jackson's Challenge to read Colossians.

-They digest the truth that scripture is one of the most powerful ways we can know Jesus personally.

-They leave recharged in their call to participate in the 21 day discipleship plan.


DSCPL :: Seriously


DSCPL :: Fully