The Cake is a Lie :: Simps
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
Remind them they can ask us anything by texting AMA to 678-798-8338 or by dropping a card in the lobby AMA Box.
This is a tough subject to cover because of the vast age differences and levels of development the students are at. You as leaders will have to pay attention and adjust accordingly to the needs of your group. Having said that lets fight for honest conversations with the student.
PRO TIP: As a leader you may have some real insight about these kinds of struggles because you are older and wiser. However use sound wisdom when sharing. We just unloaded a lot for them to think about and we want to help them digest it and not overwhelm them. So it is okay to share but be mindful not to share more than they can handle.
Start by re-establishing the cone of silence!.
Here is a list of every verse we covered tonight:
James 1:14-15, 1 John 3:1, John 1:12, Romans 8:16, James 4:4, Colossians 1:21, Romans 5:10, Romans 5:12, Acts 3:19, John 20:31, Ephesians 5:1-2, Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 4:12, 1 John 1:8-9, James 1:5
Take a moment and divvy those up among the group. Read ‘em and have the students express in their own words what the verse is teaching us.
Spend a few minutes making sure the students understood the truths we explored tonight:
Simps - what are all simps suffering from?
An identity crisis.
We also covered 4 ways to fight the culture telling us to build our identity on our desires..
Each student has a card in the small group buckets with those steps. Hand em out.
Here they are
Check your desires using the bible.
Adjust your natural desires out of your identity
Know your God given desires by asking him
End imitating the desires of the culture around you
Now go over them and have conversation on how to start using these in the real world.
Each student left the large group time with a card. 1 Side had their initial I am statement, the other side had them write down where they think they are in developing their identity and also rewrite their I am statement based on the talk.
Ask if anyone would like to share what they wrote on their cards.
If someone does - celebrate them for stepping out in courage.
Ask them how you and the group can help them.
They should have their second sides “I want” statement blank so If your group wants to work on those statements here are some basic questions they can answer to help fill in those blanks.
What would your very best day in life look like?
If you could do anything what would it be?
What are the things in your life that are worth waking up early for?
Now what does that have to do with Kingdom Work?
Finish by praying as a group.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-They understand the four ways we can fight against our cultures need to build fake identities.
-They digest the truth that their true identity is only found in Jesus (They grasp the dichotomy of identity in this world).
-They are aware they can ask any question they may have completely anonymously by texting AMA to (678) 798-8338 .
-CIY is championed and they know there is no moxie next Wednesday.