The Cake is a Lie :: Thirsty

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Remind them they can ask us anything by texting AMA to 678-798-8338 or by dropping a card in the lobby AMA Box.

  • This is a tough subject to cover because of the vast age differences and levels of development the students are at. You as leaders will have to pay attention and adjust accordingly to the needs of your group. Having said that lets fight for honest conversations with the student.

  • PRO TIP: As a leader you may have some real insight about these kinds of struggles because you are older and wiser. However use sound wisdom when sharing. We just unloaded a lot for them to think about and we want to help them digest it and not overwhelm them. So it is okay to share but be mindful not to share more than they can handle.

  • Start by installing the cone of silence!

    • We know these are hard subjects to just talk about and it requires a lot of trust so make a pact that what is said in group stays in group unless there is a safety concern. You all have entered the cone of silence and nothing makes it out of that cone. It is a safe place.

  • Here is a list of every verse we covered tonight:

    • Genesis 2:24, Exodus 20:14, Mark 10:6-9, Matthew 5:27-30, Hebrews 10:24-25, 2 Timothy 2:22, Romans 13:14, James4:7, Proverbs 30:5, John 8:31-32, 1 Corinthians 6:18-19

    • Take a moment and divvy those up among the group. Read ‘em and have the students express in their own words what the verse is teaching us.

  • Spend a few minutes making sure the students understood the word pictures we used tonight:

    • The cake is a lie

    • Thirsty

  • Now depending on your group spend a few minutes talking about how these things play out n their lives currently. (High school leaders - lets be real these students have either been exposed to some kind of pornography or are currently struggling with pornography. At the very least they spend plenty of time online and among peers with these issues which puts them in extreme proximity. Make sure we step towards the hard conversations) (You guys are rock stars)

  • We also covered 4 ways to combat the lies we get told and fight those unhealthy thirsts

  • Each student has a card in the small group buckets with those steps. Hand em out.

  • Now go over them and have conversation on how to start using these in the real world.

  • Ask the students” Of the three ways we can lead people the right way which is the easiest for you?

    • Set Good Examples.

    • Let em know they have nothing to prove.

    • Surround them with the right people and places.

  • Follow up with which is the hardest for them

    • As leaders help them realize they can learn from one another (Those that struggle in one way can be helped by someone who doesn’t, those other areas they find easy they can help people who do struggle)

      • C onnect with someone you trust and share your struggle.

      • A void the things that arouse those thirsts in you.

      • K ill those thirsty thoughts within 5 seconds.

      • E xchange the lies with the truth.

Finish by praying as a group specifically for wisdom, strength, and courage.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-They understand the four steps we covered to fight against the wrong kind of thirst.

-They were honest.

-They are aware they can ask any question they may have during this series completely anonymously by using the box in the lobby or texting AMA to (678) 798-8338 .

-Radiant was celebrated and Foundry was champioined.


The Cake is a Lie :: Clout


Just Do It :: Eureka