How to be a Bad Friend :: Shade
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
Start by asking if anyone read any of their life books over the past week.
If anyone did ask them to share what they learned.
Ask if anyone read their bible this week outside of a bible class at school.
If they did ask what they read and why.
Remind them of the challenge to read act 1 and 2 of their life book by the beginning of March.
Now spend a moment to play a simple game called - Repeat after me:
Students and leaders in a circle.
Pick a random person to start. We will go to the left in a circle.
Have that person say “My name is _____, and I like _____” (Have them fill in the blank)
The next person has to repeat what the person to there right just said and also fill in the blank for themselves.
The third person would repeat both statements from the previous people and fill in the blank for themselves.
You do this until you can get around the circle twice. (Once you get around once everyone can just repeat the loop - no need to make up new statement)
That is just a fun way to learn a little about one another and help remember everyones names especially when groups have new peeps.
Now bring it back in and pray for the time you have together.
Ask the students “What’s the most hurtful thing a loved one has ever said to you?”
Take a few moments to discuss the things that were shared.
Let them know that you are sorry that happened to them and empathize with their situation.
Have a studennt red Proverbs 12:18
Based on how the verse says our words can piece like swords (explain as much as needed) Ask the students “How could each area listed tonight (mean, unnecessary, or lies) affect someone in that way?
Ask them to share “How do you see these ways of tearing people down among your own friends and in school?” Make sure they do not share the names of specific people.
Have a conversation about ways we all fail to consider whether or not words spoken to or about our friends that are true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, or kind?
The Acronym is a helpful way to remind us to only speak live giving words. This is a great spot for leaders to share from their own personal lives so the students know everyone experiences this and struggles with this.
Transition to a conversation to find ways to actually put these things into everyday practice.
This is really where you as leaders can spend the bulk of your life group time unpacking these 5 things and how they can implement this wisdom in their lives on a daily basis. Each group is different and you guys know your groups best so it is up to you to tackle that :)
Ask the students “Who is someone you need to make amends, because you threw shade at them with lying, or telling their secrets, or just being mean?
This is the a call to action. If they have someone, and they should, genuinely ask them what their plan of action is and when they think they will do it.
Finish by praying as a group.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Everyone leaves with T.H.I.N.K. handout.
-Students have digested and understood what the think Acronym means and how to utilize it.
-The students are pumped about The Foundry and Radiant.
-We followed up with the students about the life book challenge.