Golgotha :: It Is Finished
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
What is your favorite to do list thing? Like the thing you have to do regularly, but you actually don’t mind doing it? Leaders share too.
Ask “What does Tetelestai mean?”
Give an example from your life where you would use tetelestai.
Let’s take a look at some verses:
Have a student read Romans 3:23
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
Have another student read Romans 6:23
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
Have another student read Romans 5:8
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
Have another student read Isaiah 53:10
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
Have another student read 1 Corinthians 15:54-55
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
Have another student read Romans 10:9-10, 13
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
Galatians 5:20, 24
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
John 19:25-30
Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”
Now spend a few minutes and have a nuts and bolts conversation about the questions we asked in the main space:
Do you believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. That he came to earth to make a way for people to get back into relationship with God by dying on a cross for our sin and resurrecting three days later to defeat death and hell?
Have you professed that Jesus is Lord of your life?
Have you been baptised?
Is studying the bible a regular part of your rhythm in life?
Do you ask for forgiveness when you sin?
Do you pray regularly?
Are you generous with what God has given you?
Do you tell others about Jesus?
Do you love others - even your enemies?
Finish by having an honest discussion on what each student will do starting tomorrow based on those questions.
Pray as a group.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Everyone understands the true meaning of Tetelestai.
-Everyone understands how even though it is finished we still have to recieve the free gift God is giving us.
-The students have a simple step towards one of the commands of Jesus.
-The students are pumped about the Christmas Party.