Golgotha :: It Is Finished

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • What is your favorite to do list thing? Like the thing you have to do regularly, but you actually don’t mind doing it? Leaders share too.

  • Ask “What does Tetelestai mean?”

    • Give an example from your life where you would use tetelestai.

  • Let’s take a look at some verses:

    • Have a student read Romans 3:23

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

    • Have another student read Romans 6:23

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

    • Have another student read Romans 5:8

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

    • Have another student read Isaiah 53:10

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

    • Have another student read 1 Corinthians 15:54-55

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

    • Have another student read Romans 10:9-10, 13

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

    • Galatians 5:20, 24

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

    • John 19:25-30

      • Discuss as a group how this verse is related to the truth “It Is Finished”

  • Now spend a few minutes and have a nuts and bolts conversation about the questions we asked in the main space:

    • Do you believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. That he came to earth to make a way for people to get back into relationship with God by dying on a cross for our sin and resurrecting three days later to defeat death and hell?

    • Have you professed that Jesus is Lord of your life?

    • Have you been baptised?

    • Is studying the bible a regular part of your rhythm in life?

    • Do you ask for forgiveness when you sin?

    • Do you pray regularly?

    • Are you generous with what God has given you?

    • Do you tell others about Jesus?

    • Do you love others - even your enemies?

  • Finish by having an honest discussion on what each student will do starting tomorrow based on those questions.

  • Pray as a group.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Everyone understands the true meaning of Tetelestai.

-Everyone understands how even though it is finished we still have to recieve the free gift God is giving us.

-The students have a simple step towards one of the commands of Jesus.

-The students are pumped about the Christmas Party.




Golgotha :: Father forgive them.