Seven Deadly Sins :: Greed
First things first ask about their previous week and how they did with their next steps for Sloth.
Secondly make sure you have any student there who haven’t filled out a connect card fill it out so we can make sure and get an accurate list of groups this semester. (This can be found in the momentum app or by texting moxie to 555888)
Today is the last day to register for Collision! Remind them to get their parents to sign them up.
Ask the students how they would describe greed and generosity?
Read Ecclesiastes 5:10
Ask the students what does this teach us about greed ?
Read Proverbs 22:9
Ask the students what does this teach us about generosity?
Jesus spoke about two master one other place in the bible.
Read Matthew 6:19-24
Ask the students what our eyes have to do with Greed?
Have a conversation about how God might want to use their “Treasures” here on earth and work to have them commit to one act of generosity with their time, talents, or money.
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-We worship freely and fully as a family.
-Students leave with a simple act of generosity to step into in their life.
-Students spend some time actively in the bible.