Marriage Retreat 2023 logo.jpg


We are excited to host a marriage retreat at our McDonough campus on February 3-4 and at our Forsyth campus on February 10-11. We will gather Friday from 7:00-9:30 pm, then regather on Saturday from 8:30 am-noon. The weekend will be built around an assessment resource created by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, which you can check out at their site, McDonough registration opens on January 8 and closes on January 26 and Forsyth registration opens on January 15 and closes on February 2.


This fun and practical four-session study by #1 New York Times bestselling authors, Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, is for couples at any age or stage - dating, engaged or married for decades. It works hand-in-glove with the revolutionary and acclaimed Better Love Assessment. Every couple benefits from unpacking and exploring their own 10-page customized Better Love Report. Whether moving from bad to better or good to great, Better Love provides practical steps to strengthen relationships like never before.