LAUNCH | 10.1–10.2 - KidMotion hosts an annual overnight event for 3rd - 5th graders. Our event includes music, games, group activities, devotionals, and more. We promise your kids won't be disappointed!

What: Launch Event (3rd-5th Graders)
When: October 1 is check-in @ 7pm | October 2 is pick-up @ 10am
Where: McDonough Campus | 305 Westridge Pkwy, McDonough 30253

Registration Info and Details:
*Register by Thursday, 9.23 to receive T-Shirt with your child’s registration. (Initially, the date was Sunday, 9.26 but our printer asked to push the deadline sooner than later due to lack of products and delayed deliveries. If you had plans to pay by 9.26, please contact your children’s campus pastor by Thursday, 9.23 to make arrangements.)

*Deadline for online registration is Thursday, 9.30. (More specifics and reminders will be pushed out as we get a bit closer to the event.)


2021 THEME: God took the initiative by sending Jesus to show us how much He loves us and fix the relationship between us. When we see a need and choose to do something about it, we reflect God’s image in us. Through our initiative, others can see the reality of God’s love for them.

Nehemiah’s life is a great example of someone who heard about a need, decided to check it out, trusted God, and dropped everything to finish the project. We can’t wait to see how God helps your kids discover how they can show initiative in their lives.



6:15pm - Leader Meeting
7:00pm - Check-In
7:15pm - Welcome // Small Groups // Rules
7:45pm - Large Group Teaching
8:45pm - Small Groups
9:10pm - Fun Group Rotations // Snack
10:30pm - Ice Cream Truck (Flavored Ice)
11:00pm - Jam Time (Worship)
11:15pm - Bedtime
11:30pm - Lights Out


8:00am - Get Up // Get Dressed
8:15am - Pack Up
8:30am - Breakfast
9:00am - Stretches
9:05am - Small Groups // Morning Devotional
9:35am - Jam Time (Worship)
9:45am - Gaga Ball & Free Play
10:00am - Check Out/Parent Pick-Up


- Check-In the Lobby
- Parent // Child Tag
- Check-In Meds & Medical Form(s)
- Get Shirt
- Boys Bags in Hallway
- Girls Bags in Main Space


- Luggage Bag
- Activity Clothes // Shoes
- Pajamas
- Sleep (Pillow // Bag // Etc.)
- Toothbrush // Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Clothes for next day
- Bible
- Medication(s) if needed

Please don't hesitate to reach out should you have any further questions or concerns. See our contact info below:

- Matt Mauk - 770.866.5007 (CENTRAL)
- Jimmy Thomson - 678.544.3738 (MCDONOUGH)
- Mark O’Quinn - 478.978.7100 (FORSYTH)