Our church-wide journey through Financial Peace University launches this Sunday! We realize that a unique event like this has the potential to be confusing - and we know that COVID has only added to potential confusion - so we wanted to explain your potential next steps as simply as possible…

1) GET A MEMBERSHIP. Ramsey Solutions offers year memberships, and you can purchase one through Momentum for the discounted rate of $99. This provides access to all their FPU class videos, printable lessons, three budgeting and planning apps, and many more resources. Here’s what to do…

2) GET IN A CLASS. This is a journey best taken together. Ideally, you have your membership and you are already in a LifeGroup and ready to study through FPU. If so, you are set. But if you aren’t already connected in this way, we would suggest joining one of our FPU Learning Communities. Momentum will begin utilizing Learning Communities as a stepping stone to future connection in LifeGroups, and FPU works with this plan seamlessly. Here are your options…

3) SHOW UP FOR CLASS. Once you purchase a membership and join a class, be all-in. Show up, do the work, be willing to be vulnerable, be willing to grow. Since all our Learning Communities are starting via Zoom, you can find the link for your class below. And since we are starting online, this presents a unique opportunity. If you are still on the fence - i.e. you have not yet purchased a membership and joined a class - but you would like to check it out, please feel free to test drive one of our classes. Join us on Zoom and experience the lesson and the discussion. We believe you will find it worth your time and effort…

- McDonough: Zoom link, Zoom passcode: Imagine (iCalendar, Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar)
- Forsyth: Zoom link, Zoom passcode: Imagine (iCalendar, Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar)
- Online: Zoom link, Zoom passcode: Imagine (iCalendar, Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar)


Congregation Preview (3:46)

In this FPU video, you get a taste of what the classes will be like. You will see highlights from some of the classes specifically led by Dave Ramsey, then consider what it might look like to participate within our church family.

Debt is a Thief (1:35)

In this FPU video, Chris Hogan explains a fundamental principle of the course: debt is a thief. This theme runs throughout the classes and pushes us past the “norm” of debt in our society to biblically-defined stewardship.

Question #7 | Ken & Sheryl (2:04)

Do you have any particular dreams in mind that motivate your saving and financial plans? In this video, we hear from Ken & Sheryl.

Question #7 | Everyone (5:47)

Do you have any particular dreams in mind that motivate your saving and financial plans? In this video, we all the answers.